Cannot make it to the gym?

Cannot make it to the gym?

Unable to make it to the gym and stuck for training ideas, here are a few sessions run over the past month.

Ladder 55

  • With a Kettlebell climbing the ladder complete 1 Overhead Swing and 1 Bodyweight Close Grip Pushups, repeat in increments of 1 until you hit 5, then run 500m, repeat from 6 until you hit 10, then run 500m
  • With a Kettlebell climbing down the ladder complete 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls and 10 Burpees, descend until you hit 6, then run 500m, repeat from 5 until you hit 1, run 500m

EMOM – Every Minute on the Minute for 15 minutes

  • Aim is to complete 3 Manmakers (you can use Dumbbells, Kettlebells or a Barbell) & 5 burpees within 1 minute, rest for the remainder, repeat. Try to reach 15 rounds

Combat Conditioning

  • Hit this one hard outdoors, its more exciting that way
  • Aim for 8 rounds within 30 minutes

Rolling 100

  • All exercises should be completed for 100 reps with the exception of the Kettlebell OH Swings which taper off as the workout continues. Find a buddy and complete 10 reps per person using immaculate form until reps completed.