Christmas is just around the corner

Christmas is just around the corner
Well, there’s Christmas decorations in the shops & Jingle Bells has already started … yes, the Silly Season is here again.
This seems to be a pinnacle of the year for most people – the day we work hard for all year long. Whether your idea of a great Christmas involves putting up the tree on December the 1st, having the greatest light display to be seen from the Moon, cooking Christmas lunch for your 30+ family guests, or escaping it all together & disappearing overseas….you can’t hide from it.
For a lot of people, Christmas also seems to hold such dread & negativity, with complaints about how many functions are on between now & Christmas, that you really don’t want to visit that awful Aunt & Uncle, that there will be too much alcohol so you’ll just let yourself go now….Aarrgghh!!!!
Christmas is short & fast, like a hurdle sprint – complaining about how hard it’s going to be won’t get you there any faster – try & embrace that crazy festive spirit & remember it will be over pretty quick.
Christmas comes every year, but you only get one life – live it to the fullest! Sing along to those Christmas classics while you shop, tick off that gift list like a boss, get your own Advent calendar & don’t share it with the kids, or wear your Santa suit out … every chance you get.
Whatever Christmas means to you, we hope you enjoy it & do it well. We except nothing less of you!
You work hard all year round, towards weddings and family functions, running marathons, taking holidays, and generally kicking goals!! This is the time to enjoy it.
We know your calendar might be full, but don’t forget the Fighting Fit Christmas Party – booked & ready to go!!
Regret has no place with Fighting Fit – enjoy yourselves, let your hair down, dance up a storm, drink every cocktail on the menu, talk to someone who trains at a different session, laugh a lot & have a shit tonne of fun!!<
For us, this is the night we get to let loose with you and we plan on enjoying every minute of it!
Can you party as hard as you train?