Dogs don’t hold grudges

Dogs don’t hold grudges

Dogs don’t hold grudges Dogs don’t hold grudges For anyone that has a pet, in particular a dog (or more than one!), you’ll understand this post well. Dogs don’t hold grudges. They are loyal to a fault. And above all, they know how to love ❤️ We have two girls,...
Put in a little effort

Put in a little effort

Put in a little effort Put in a little effort Put a little extra effort in the things you do with your family to create memorable bonds. Put all else aside, whether you are stressed over money, work is shit, you’re struggling with home life – spend time with...
Aussie Aussie Aussie

Aussie Aussie Aussie

Aussie Aussie Aussie Australia. It’s a bloody great country. Going back to the land has a way of calming the soul. It’s quiet & quiet is good. It allows you to reconnect with yourself & each other. Our lives are filled with noise, not always loud,...
Do you want to be toned ladies?

Do you want to be toned ladies?

Do you want to be toned ladies? Do you want to be toned ladies When most females talk about getting “toned” they mean they want visible muscle definition with little fat covering up … resulting in sculpted arms, legs, abs, back etc. Well … what does it mean to...